Sunday, April 01, 2007

True Survivalist

Survivalists are individuals who have lost faith in society’s ability to protect its own, and who have taken steps to lessen their dependence upon society for aid in an emergency situation. Survivalists also realise that modern society is a long and twisted chain of interdependency and that each link of this societal chain is dependent upon every other link to maintain its integrity. Should enough of these links be broken, the entire chain may collapse.

They attempt to reinforce the chain of society by strengthening their own links. Many do this by actively learning and practicing the necessary skills to provide or obtain the basic necessities of life. And yes, they learn to defend themselves from aggressors when there is no one else there to protect them.

A true survivalist hopes deep in their heart that the good life never ends for anybody. They just know that trouble sometimes does happen, and want to be as well situated as they can be if bad things do come to be. A fireman is a fireman, not because he believes everything will burn, but because he believes much can be saved. Doctors don't believe in death, they believe in life, and a survivalist is not a survivalist because he believes everything must be destroyed and everyone must die, he believes that life and freedom can be saved, if people of good-will are prepared. A fireman does not start fires, a doctor does not make disease and a survivalist does not make disaster.

We survivalists have loved ones we don't want to see hurt or killed, we have homes we don't want to see destroyed, we are not fools to think that just because we are survivalists a world cataclysm would be fun for us or that we would not experience danger, loss, hunger, injury, cold or even despair and death. No, we will not be disappointed if there is no disaster to survive, anymore than the the man who buys an insurance policy is disappointed when his house fails to burn down.

Every person who has not made provisions for surviving without food, water, fuel and other essential needs from the outside is a mortal danger to his neighbours. What will a man do when he and his family are freezing, hungry, thirsty, sick and starving? Will he just go back home to die with his wife and kids?

We survivalists who stock up, which is not the same as hoarding, on food and other supplies now do a favour to society because what we now buy is replaced on the shelves, so there will be that much more available in an emergency. We survivalists won't be looting and killing for food. We won't be as much a burden on the medical facilities or a danger to the police. Since we will not need to turn on anyone, we may even be able to help at least some others.

Survival preparation should be regarded as a social obligation, one that every individual owes to his family and community and his nation. Survivalists are generally self-reliant individuals, who cannot help but see the imperative of preparing for the worst possible events, while hoping sincerely that they won't happen. Today's survivalist is an asset, to his community and to the world and should be proud to be called survivalist.


Blogger Ben said...

Very well said! If I ever wanted to explain the "survivalist way" to someone I'd probably pull some quotes from this, if not the whole thing! Keep up the good work.

8:28 AM  

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